HPV vaccination

You’ve probably heard about the health risks caused by human papillomavirus, or HPV. Many people are exposed to HPV, and, the body is usually able to clear the infection on its own within one to two years. Yet, many people remain infected.

It’s important to understand there is a link between HPV and oral health. HPV can also infect the mouth and throat. And there are some types of HPV that increase the risk for certain head and neck cancers.

HPV can cause cancers in the oropharynx – which includes the back of the throat, the tonsils and the base of the tongue. Studies show that HPV causes up to 70% of these. Thankfully, the HPV vaccine is a simple way to protect your family.

In England, girls and boys aged 12 to 13 years are routinely offered the 1st HPV vaccination when they're in school Year 8. The 2nd dose is offered 6 to 24 months after the 1st dose.

It's important to have both doses of the vaccine to be properly protected.

If you’re eligible and miss the HPV vaccine offered in Year 8 at school, it’s available for free on the NHS up until your 25th birthday for:

  • girls born after 1 September 1991
  • boys born after 1 September 2006